Friday, February 24, 2012

Resistance exercises include activities ...

Prevention of osteoporosis (continued)

exercise is important for preventing osteoporosis. Although bones may seem lifeless and rigid structures, the bones of more than

, bone tissue, which correspond to, becoming stronger. Physical activity lasix 60 mg iv during childhood and adolescence increases bone density and strength. This means that children who get exercise, likely to reach a higher peak bone density (maximum strength and solidness), which usually occurs at age 30. People who reach a higher peak bone density is less likely to develop osteoporosis. The best exercise to prevent osteoporosis bearing exercises that work against gravity. Weight bearing exercises include walking, hiking, running, climbing stairs, playing tennis, jumping rope, dancing. The second type of exercise

exercise. Resistance exercises include activities that use muscle strength to build muscle mass, and it also strengthens oral anabolic steroids These activities include weight lifting, such as using free weights and weight machines found at gyms and health clubs. Exercise has additional benefits in older people, and that exercise increase muscle strength, coordination and balance and leads to better overall health (see

). Older people, people with osteoporosis, people with heart disease and lung, as well as people who are not made during most of adulthood should consult their doctor before starting any exercise program. .

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